Quick Index

Lightening Fast Indexed Access
Fixed array access is terrifically fast. And, the access time does not increase as the size of the array increases.

This speed is because a fixed array is in contiguous memory. This allows the use of simple arithmetic computations to compute an address location.

Extra info: Low level computing for array access.


Size is Fixed
The size (number of elements) in the fixed array is fixed.

In otherwords, we can not add/append, insert or remove elements.

Typical Operations

We'll now look at typical fixed array operations. Most programming languages would support these or something similar.

Get is a fundamental fixed array operation.

Fixed array elements are positioned in contiguous memory as shown. This means we can assume access [] will be fast (no matter how large index is).
Set is a fundamental fixed array operation.

We can also assume the set operation is efficient for the same reasons as get.
array[5] = "Foo";
"length" is a fundamental fixed array operation.
Length: 4
array[0]: A
array[2]: C
Setting 'Z' at [1]
array[1]: Z

//By "array" we mean array length
String[] array = {"A", "B", "C", "D"};
prn("Length: " + array.length);
prn("array[0]: " + array[0]);
prn("array[2]: " + array[2]);
prn("Setting 'Z' at [1]");
array[1] = "Z";
prn("array[1]: " + array[1]);

5 or 5000000
As previously mentioned, access time is the same for accessing an element at index=5 or index=5000000.

In other words, operation time is not dependent on array size. This applies to both get and set.

We can also assume "length" will have fast constant performance