Below are detailed solutions to some of the example problems.

First see these step-by-step solutions:

import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Color;

public class MethodHeaderExample {

	/** Given method parameter of type Circle named circ
	Send the message "getBoundary" to "circ"
	Assign the return value to a var named "boundary"
	Get the top of the boundary and assign the value to a var named result of type int
	Return result */
	public int problem1(Circle circ) {
		//Declare local var boundary
		Frame boundary;
		//Get the boundary of the Circle and assign to var boundary
		//We reference the "Method Headers" for Circle and see this method header:
		//		public Frame getBoundary()
		//We know from the "Big Three" (See chapter section "Definition") that
		//the method boundary returns a data type "Frame"
		//This data type (Frame) matches up to the data type of our variable "boundary"
		//Thus we can do the following line
		boundary = circ.getBoundary();
		//Get the top of the boundary
		int result = boundary.getTop();
		//Return result
		//Note that method header return type must be type "int" because result is an int
		return result;

	/** Given method parameter named ellipse of type Ellipse
	Given additional method parameter named rec of type Rectangle
	Send the message getLongDimension to the var ellipse.
	Assign the return value to a var named dim
	Send the message setLongDimension to the Rectangle object using a var that you have available
	Return the Rectangle variable */
	public Rectangle problem2(Ellipse ellipse, Rectangle rec) {
		int dim;
		//Send message to ellipse and assign the returned value to var dim
		dim = ellipse.getLongDimension();
		//Set long dimension of rec using var dim
		//Return rec
		return rec;

	/** Given two method parameters both of type Point: p1 and p2
	Send the message plus to the first point with the other point as a method parameter, and assign the result to a var named p3
	Return p3 */
	public Point problem3(Point p1, Point p2) {
		//Declare new point p3
		Point p3;
		//Add p1 + p2 and assign result to p3
		p3 =;
		//Return p3
		return p3;

	public OuterSpace problem4(OuterSpace space, Graphics g) {
		//Send message drawOn to space passing var g
		return space;

	/** Given two method parameters: a Point named p, and a Frame named frame
	Send a message to determine if frame contains p
	Assign the result to a var named result
	Return result
	public boolean problem5(Point p, Frame frame) {
		//Declare variable
		boolean result;
		//Ask frame if it contains p
		result = frame.contains(p);
		//Return result
		return result;

	/** Given two method parameters: an Ellipse named ellipse, and a Circle named circ
	Send the message getAnchor to ellipse and assign the result to a var p1
	Send the message getAnchor to circ and assign the result to a var p2
	Sum p1 and p2 using the message plus and assign the result to a var sum
	Return sum */
	public Point problem6(Ellipse ellipse, Circle circ) {
		//Declare vars
		Point p1, p2;
		//Assign ellipse's anchor to p1
		p1 = ellipse.getAnchor();
		//Assign circle's anchor to p2
		p2 = circ.getAnchor();
		Point sum;
		//Sum p1 and p2
		sum =;
		//Return sum
		return sum;

	public Point problem7(ForwardIndicator fw, int x, int y) {
		int x2, y2;
		x2 = fw.conformX(x);
		y2 = fw.conformY(y);
		Point p;
		p = new Point();
		return p;

	public Point problem8() {
		Point p;
		p = new Point();
		return p;

	public Point problem9(Point a, Point b, int k) {
		Point product;
		product = a.multiply(b);
		product = product.multiply(k);
		return product;

	public Circle problem10(Circle circ, Graphics g, Color color) {
		circ.drawOn(g, color);
		return circ;

	public int problem11(Ellipse ellipse) {
		Frame f = ellipse.getBoundary();
		int area = f.getWidth() * f.getHeight();
		return area;

	public Circle problem12(Ellipse ellipse) {
		Circle circ;
		circ = new Circle();
		return circ;

	public String problem13(Circle circ, Ellipse elli) {
		return "No Solution";

	public String problem14(Frame frame, String lastName) {
		return "No Solution";

	public String problem15(Circle circ, Color favColor) {
		return "No Solution";
