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Problem Statement

Enhance your Point class (from previous work) with logical methods.


Getting Started

Use your most recent Point.java and add the construtor methods shown below.
Method Name
Add Constructor
Add Constructor
Add a two-arg constructor. The params/args should be for x and y.
The method getX should return the value of ivar y (it may be coded already from previous challenge).
Similar to getX except named getY returning value of ivar y.

Logical Methods

Add the following methods to class Point.
Method Name
Return true/false to indicate if point is balanced (we define balanced for this problem that as when x is equal to y)
Return true if both x and y are zero
Receives two params both booleans with names "resetX" and "resetY". If "resetX" is true, set "x" to zero. Likewise for "resetY" with "y". Return true if both x and y are zero
Same method header as the Rectangle "print" method. If option is false, just print x and y. If true, use your imagination for what to print about the point. Include programming logic.
Receives param otherPoint. Return true/false to indicate if this point is right of otherPoint.
Receives param otherPoint. Return true/false to indicate if this point is right and above otherPoint.
return true if point is inside the rectangle defined by the params. If the point is on the edge of the rectangle, call it "inside". The params are all type "int" and are named "leftX", "topY", "width", "height". They define the rectangle. See sketches below for more information.

isInside Sketches

A few sketches to help understand isInside

Given Properties
Showing the four given properties of the rectangle/frame:

  • leftX
  • topY
  • width
  • height
With Values
Showing some example values:

  • topY = 150
  • height = 50
  • leftX = 200
  • width = 100
Calculated Values
We can calculate the rightX edge of the rectangle/frame and the bottomY edge of the rectangle/frame, as shown.
Relative to Points
Showing one point inside and one point outside the rectangle/frame.