* Hello I'm class BrainyNumberSpan
* I represent a span starting at number 'left'
* and ending on number 'right'
* For example, if my 'left' = 10
* and my 'right' = 15
* Then I span five numbers (10, 11, 12, 13, and 14)
* Note that the 'left' boundary is *included* in the span.
* Note that the 'right' boundary is *excluded* in the span.
* My purpose is to provide a user friendly methods to
* operate over my span
* The ivars left and right are non-negative integers
Returns the count of easily divisible numbers within this span of numbers.
The definition of easily divisible can be found in BrainyNumber.
For span (1, 10), countEasilyDivisible = 8
Notes Pertaining to the Method Definition Above:
The method name is countEasilyDivisible
Below the method name is a description of the method
Return types and method param types can be derived from the method description
If no method params are mentioned, that means there are no method params for the given method
If no return value is specified then the method does not return a value (i.e., the return type is coded as void)
When a method description uses terminology such as "our number", "this number", "the number", etc it is talking about the num in the particular instance of the brainy or smart number
To the right is additional information such as examples of method usage, example test values, etc