Quick Index

In this set of drills we'll play with Node.js core concepts. We'll most follow the w3schools reference and Wexler book (specific references provided).

NOTE WELL -- this work does assume you have Node.js installed. If you do not, our course book by Wexler (Lessons 1 or 2) provides guidance as well as the course notes here...

The Drills

General Drill Notes

Complete each of these short drills:


Reference Guide Modernizations and Notes

The reference materials tend to compress code. As beginners, this can, in some cases, yield a "code blob" effect.

The course notes attempt to use more of an expanded code approach, to offer a different perspective.

Get Programming with Node.js (2019 - Wexler)


npm install <package> -save
npm install <package> -S

Are now equivalent to:

npm install <package>

In other words, the "save" flag is now implicit (the default).


The url method:


is now deprecated, with WHATWG URL API. The guide example(s) will demonstrate.

Also, status codes (e.g. 200) are hard coded into the examples, but we prefer to derive them. The guide examples will demonstrate.
