List<Integer> nums = new ArrayList<>();
public void drawAll1(List<Book> books) { //... }
public void drawAll2(List<Drawable> drawables) { //... }
public void analyze1(#1ArrayList<String> list) { //Tool that analyzes a list //and prints out a summary report //... } public void testShowDiffs1() { //Test #1 List<String> list = null; ArrayList<String> arrayList = null; LinkedList<String> linkedList = null; SuperFastList<String> superFastList = null; //... //Test #1#2this.analyze1(list); this.analyze1(arrayList);#3this.analyze1(linkedList);#4this.analyze1(superFastList); }
public String analyze2(#1List<String> list) { /*Tool that analyzes list1 and list2 and shows report of: Elements only in list1, only in list2, in both */ //... return null; } public void testShowDiffs2() { List<String> list = null; ArrayList<String> arrayList = null; LinkedList<String> linkedList = null; SuperFastList<String> superFastList = null; //... //#2Test #2 this.analyze2(list); this.analyze2(arrayList); this.analyze2(linkedList); this.analyze2(superFastList); }