Quick Index
Unit Testing Lingo/Jargon

🚙UnitThe unit of code (e.g., a class) being tested -- examples may be Car, Employee, City, Student, Instructor, Course, ... (whatever your modeling domain subject is)
🚙ModelAnother name for unit
💡Unit TestA class that contains tests that test the unit -- generally named CarTest, EmployeeTest, etc
💥Showstopper BugA bug that prevents a program from starting/running or stops it from functioning (program crash)
🐞Functional BugA bug that causes a program to not behave (function) as expected
🐞DefectAnother name for bug
Unit TestingThe act of testing a unit of code -- e.g., we may have a CarTest class (unit test) that tests a Car class (unit)
🚗Automated TestingApplying automation to unit testing -- e.g., running a collection of tests automatically which generates a test report/output
🔥Smoke TestingA subset of unit testing where the focus in on catching showstopper bugs


Unit tests are simply program code (dtest) that tests (domain) program code.

We call them "unit tests" because we are testing units (objects/models).

Generally we tests something like:

The unit test name is not an exact science -- these are only suggested names.

General Unit Test Pattern 💡

Tests basically follow this "1-2-3" pattern:

Note: The software test "comparison" can be basic (print that allows a visual compare) or more sophisticated (e.g., showing "test passes", "test fails").

Showstopper Bugs 🐞

Story of a Showstopper Bug

Imagine we have spent weeks building an elaborate generator for a fractal coding contest.

  • We're very proud of it.
  • We submit our code and anxioiusly wait feedback from the coding judges.
  • The feedback arrives -- they could not run our program! It crashed.

This is the heartbreaking story of what showstopper (blocker) bugs can do. They can completely stop the show.

Fortunately, smoke tests help us avoid these unpleasant creatures.

What Are Showstopper Bugs?

Note: we will use "showstopper bug" and "blocker bug" interchangeably:

By showstopper bug we mean stop the show (i.e., stop the program from running), by blocker bug, we mean block the program from running. I.e., they both mean "stop the program from running".

Showstopper bugs are the enemy of coders:


A few examples of common showstopper bugs:


These nasty showstopper bugs follow a couple patterns:

Avoiding Showstopper Bugs 😊

We can easily avoid showstopper bugs.

We just need to to do things:

Smoke Tests 🔥


We just learned about not-so-friendly showstopper bugs.

The single purpose of smoke tests is:


Basic Definition


Functional Test

After smoke testing, we have "functional testing" -- e.g., "Is our software giving the correct answers?"

Functional tests compare actual results vs expected results.

Functional tests "cover" as many public methods as possible. Ideally, there is one or more functional tests for each public method.

Testing Lessons Learned

Start with 'Smoke Tests' to Find 'Blocker Bugs'

First make sure that simple "smoke tests" pass.

Continue with Functional Testing

After smoke tests are passing, then add functional tests (which compare "actual" vs "expected" results).

Do Not Put Test Code in Same Directory as Domain/Model Code

Graders and object will be using/testing our objects from "other" directories (and importing our files as needed) so we want to do similar. Otherwise, there is a good chance we'll miss bugs that they will hit (and these could be "blocker bugs").

If we put our test code in another directory (apart from our model/domain) then we will exercise/test required "imports" etc of our code.

By domain/model we mean our data structures (e.g. dynamic arrays, linked lists, trees, etc).

Test Objects (Not Just Primitives)

When testing a data structure we do not want to just test primitive element types like integers, strings, etc.

We also want to make sure our data structures work with "proper objects". These can be anything (e.g. customers, employees, stars, books, etc.).

We generally want to design the object types (classes) to have a unique key (e.g. customer number, employee number, star id, book ISBN, etc).

Equals Over '=='

Generally in object languages the operator "==" works for primitive values only (not proper objects).

So in your test code (and domain code) you should try to use the flavor an available version of "equals".

To support object equality, you will also likely need to implement "equals" in any object types (classes) you are using for tests.

Collections Take Special Care

We need to take special care when comparing collections.

We will need to verify that our equality checks are working for something like "collection1.equals(collection2)".

We may need to add helper/support methods to get these checks to work properly.

Test Code Styles


Test code can be simple to sophisticated.

It does not need to be sophisticated to be useful, especially for small projects.

Example Tests (Different Test Strategies)

These examples are in Java syntax but the ideas apply to other objects languages like JavaScript, etc.

Examples are here...

Simple Unit Test Examples


This page contains a couple simple unit test examples.


The examples are in pseudocode.

Convert them to your specific language (Js, Java, etc) to meet the syntax of your language. Especially note:

Example 1 -- Testing with Primitives

Example Pseudocode
Testing with primitives (e.g. integers, strings, doubles) is an okay way to get started testing. But see "lessons learned" on testing with "proper objects".
class DynamicArrayTest  {

	test_get_usingStrings() {

		let nm1 = 'Asha';
		let nm2 = 'Kofi';
		let dynamic = DynamicArray.newEmpty();
		var result, expected;
		result = dynamic.get(0);
		expected = nm1;
		result = dynamic.get(1);
		expected = nm2;
		//we could also test "first" and "last" the same way

Example 2 -- Testing with Proper Objects

Example Pseudocode
You'll need to also code a testee object (to test with) -- in this example we use "Customer" -- download here for an example....
class DynamicArrayTest  {

	test_get_usingProperObjects() {

		let customer1 = Customer.fromFnameLnamePhoneZip('Kofi', 'Lee', '1112223333', 55100);
		let customer2 = Customer.fromFnameLnamePhoneZip('Asha', 'Woods', '9991231234', 55300);
		let dynamic = DynamicArray.newEmpty();

		var result, expected;

		result = dynamic.get(0);
		expected = customer1;

		result = dynamic.get(1);
		expected = customer2;